
Mariano Anderle, President of IUVSTA-International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications for the triennium 2013-2016, Fellow 2003 of the AVS-The Society of Science and Technology, Past President and Honorary Member of the Italian Society for Science and Technology (AIV), Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary International, since September 1st, 2015 is Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy, in Hanoi, Vietnam. From May, 2009 to  August 2015 he has been Responsible of the Special Project “Promotion and Internationalization of the Trentino High Education and Research System” at the Department of Knowledge of the autonomous province of Trento, Italy, Chief Scientific Adviser of the Trentino Minister of University and Research, and Senior Scientist at the Plasma Physics Institute of the Research National Council in Milan.

He received his Doctor Degree (Laurea) in Physics from the University of Trento in 1980, and shortly thereafter he began his research career in surface and thin film science. He joined the Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica IRST (now Bruno Kessler Foundation - FBK) in 1984, a nonprofit research institute sponsored by the Autonomous Province of Trento, at which he has served, till April 2009, in a variety of research and research management roles. May 2008, he has been indicated by the Italian Foreign Affairs Minister as Scientific Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Beijing- China.
Dr. Anderle spent a sabbatical year at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights NY during 1990-91, as well as shorter visiting scientist appointments at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1985, at IBM in 1992 and 1995, at CERN summers 1999-2002 and at University of Maryland summers 2003-2008. 
He has also been active in international professional circles, including serving as Councilor for Italy, Vice-chair of Applied Surface Science Division Committee, Chair of Congress Planning Committee, Chair of the Biomaterials Interface Steering Committee, Chair of the Long Planning Committee and Scientific Director of IUVSTA and organizer for numerous International surface analysis and engineering activities (i.e. IVC 16, 2004 Program Vice Chair; PSE 2010 International Scientific Committee Member;  SIMS 18, 2011 General Co-Chair; etc.). 
Referee and responsible of International, National and Regional academic and industrial research projects, Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Trento and Torino and Adjunct Faculty at the Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Maryland, he is author of more than 145 papers on international scientific journals and he holds 3 international patents and 2 IBM Invention Achievement Awards. His research includes surface analysis and engineering, semiconductor materials and processing, combinatorial materials science, biomaterials and biointerfaces.