

1. "Recent developments in surface science and engineering, thin films, nanoscience, biomaterials, plasma science, and vacuum technology", M. Mosetic, A. Vesel, G. Primc, C. Eisenmenger-Sittner, J. Bauer, A. Eder, G.H.S. Schmid, D.N. Rusic, Z. Ahmed, D. Barker, K.O. Douglass, S. Eckel, J.A. Fedchak, J. Hendrichs, N. Klimov, J. Richter, J. Schersligt, J. Stone, G. Strouse, I. Capan, M. Buljan, S. Milosevic, C. Teichert, S.R. Cohen, A.G. Silva, M. Manso-Silvan, G. Ceccone, A. Galtayries, K. Stana-Kleinschek, I. Petrov, J.E. Greene, J. Avila, C.Y. Chen, B. Caja-Munoz, H. Yi, A. Boury, S. Lorcy, M.C. Asensio, J. Bredin, T. Gans, D. O'Connell, J. Brendin, F. Reniers, A. Vincze, M. Anderle, L. Montelius, Thin Solid Films 660, 120 (2018)

2. “Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications”, M. Mozetič, K. Ostrikov, D. N. Ruzic, D. Curreli,  U. Cvelbar, A. Vesel, G. Primc, M. Leisch, K. Jousten, O. B. Malyshev, J H Hendricks, L. Kövér, A. Tagliaferro, O. Conde, A. J. Silvestre, J. Giapintzakis, M. Buljan, N. Radić, G. Dražić, S Bernstorff,    H. Biederman, O. Kylián, J. Hanuš, S. Miloševič, A. Galtayries, P. Dietrich, W. Unger, M. Lehocky, V. Sedlarik, K. Stana‑Kleinschek, J. J. Pireaux, J. W. Rogers, M. J. Kushner, and M. Anderle, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 153001, (2014) .

3. "Deuterium depth profile quantification in an ASDEX divertor tile using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry", F. Ghezzi , R. Caniello, D. Giubertoni, M. Bersani, D. Dallasega, A. Akola, M. Mayer, V. Rhode and  M. Anderle. Applied Surface Science, Vol.315, 459-466, 2014

4. “Organo-Silane Coated Substrates for DNA purification”, L. Pasquardini, L. Lunelli, C. Potrich, L. Marocchi, S. Fiorilli, D. Vozzi, L. Vanzetti, P. Gasparini, M. Anderle, C. Pederzolli, Appl. Surf. Science 257, 10821 (2011).

5. “Strategies for characterization and optimization of Al2O3 ALD process space to achieve wafer-scale uniformity in a cross-flow reactor”,  L. Henn-Lecordier, M. Anderle, E. Robertson, P. Banerjee and G.W. Rubloff, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29, 051509 (2011).

6. “Hemocompatibility of Pyrolytic Carbon in comparison with other biomaterials”, S. Forti; L. Lunelli; C. Della Volpe; S. Siboni; L. Pasquardini; A. Lui; R. Canteri; L. Vanzetti; C. Potrich; M. Vinante; C. Pederzolli and  M. Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 20, 762 (2011).

7. “Influence of C4F8/Ar based etch and H2 based remote plasma ash processes on ultra-low k materials modifications”, Ming-Shu Kuo, Huefeng Hua,  G. S. Oehrlein, Abbas Ali, P. Jang, P. Lazzeri and M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28, 284 (2010).

8. “Effect of Materials for Micro-electro-mechanical Systems on PCR Yield”, C. Potrich, L. Lunelli, S. Forti, D. Vozzi; L. Pasquardini, L. Vanzetti, C. Panciatichi, M. Anderle, and C. Pederzolli, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 39, 979 (2010)

9. “Human plasma protein absorption on carbon-based materials”, M. Vinante, G. Digregorio, L. Lunelli, S. Forti, S. Musso, L. Vanzetti, A. Lui, L. Pasquardini, M. Giorcelli, A. Tagliaferro, M. Anderle, and C. Pederzolli, in press J. of  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,  9, 3785 (2009)

10. “Optical absorption parameters of amorphous carbon films from Farouhi-Bloomer and Tanc-Lorenz models: a comparative study”, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, M. Anderle and P. Cheyssac,  Journal of Phisics: Condensed Matter 20, 015216 (2008).

11. "Immobilization of cationic rifampicin-loaded liposomes on polystyrene for drug-delivery applications”, L.Pasquardini, L. Lunelli, L. Vanzetti, M. Anderle and C. Pederzolli, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 62, 265 (2008).

12. “Multilayer silicon rich oxy-nitride films characterization by SIMS, VASE and AFM”, M. Barozzi, L. Vanzetti, E. Iacob, M. Bersani, M. Anderle, G. Pucker, C. Kompocholis, M. Ghulinyan and P. Bellutti, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 100, 012016  (2008).

13. “Optical and mechanical characterization of zirconia-carbon nanocomposite film”, N. Laidani, V. Micheli, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, M. Anderle, Thin Solid Films 516, 1553 (2008).

14. “PECVD of a-C:H films in CH4-CO2 plasma: gas composition and substrate biasing effects on the film structure and growth process” G. Gottardi, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, V. Micheli, M. Anderle, Thin Solid Films 516, 3910 (2008).

15. “Data analysis in combinatorial experiments: applying supervised principal component technique to investigate the relationship between ToF-SIMS spectra and the composition distribution of ternary metallic alloy thin films”, R.Dell’Anna, P.Lazzeri, R.Canteri, C.J.Long, J.Hattrick-Simpers, I. Takeuchi, and M.Anderle, QSAR & Combinatorial Science 27, 133  (2008).

16. “Interactions of photoresist stripping plasmas with nanoporous organo-silicate ultra low dielectric constant dielectrics”, P. Lazzeri, G. S. Oehrlein, G. J. Stueber, R. McGowan, E. Busch, S. Pederzoli, C. Jeynes, M. Bersani and M. Anderle, Thin Solid Films 516, 3697 (2008).

17. “Effects of oxygen concentration in the Ar/O2 plasma on the bulk structure and surface properties of RF reactively sputtered zirconia thin films”, G. Gottardi, N. Laidani, V. Micheli, R. Bartali, M. Anderle, Surface Coatings and Technology 202, 2332 (2008).

18. “The C1s core line in irradiated graphite”, G. Speranza, L. Minati and M. Anderle, Journal of Appl. Phys 102, 3504 (2007).

19. “Assessment of nanocomposite photonic systems with the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, L.Minati, G.Speranza, M.Anderle, M. Ferrari, A.Chiasera and G.C.Righini, Optoelectronics Letters 3, 193 (2007)

20. “Plasma-Surface Interactions of Model Polymers for Advanced Photoresits using C4F8/Ar Discharges and Energetic Ion Beams”,  S.Engelmann, R.L.Bruce, T.Kwon, R.Phaneuf, G.S.Oehrlein, Y.C.Bae, C.Andes, D.Graves, D.Nest, E.A.Hudson, P.Lazzeri, E.Iacob and M.Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B25, 1353 (2007).

21. “Purification of carbon nanotubes grown by thermal-CVD”, S.Porro, S.Musso, M.Vinante, L.Vanzetti, M.Anderle, F.Trotta, A.Tagliaferro, Physica E 37, 58  (2007).

22. “Analytical methodology development for silicon-rich-oxide chemical and physical characterization”, M. Barozzi, E. Iacob, L. Vanzetti, M. Bersani, M. Anderle, G. Pucker and C. Kompocholis, Rev. Adv.Mater. Sci. 15, 56 (2007).

23. “Interface effects studies in hard-soft carbon multilayered films by AES depth profiling” V. Micheli, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi and M. Anderle, Plasma Processing and Polymers 4, S259 (2007).

24. “On the photoresist stripping and damage of ultralow k dielectric materials using remote H2- and D2-based discharges”, P. Lazzeri, M . Bersani, M. Anderle, G. J. Stueber, G. S. Oehrlein, E. Bush, and R. McGowan, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B25, 1593 (2007).

25. “Real-time Sensing and Metrology for Atomic Layer Deposition Processes and Manufacturing”, L.Henn-Lecordier, W. Lei, M.Anderle and G.W. Rubloff,, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B25, 130 (2007).

26. “Time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy investigation of ultralow-k dielectric modifications in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas”, P. Lazzeri, G. J. Stueber, G. S. Oehrlein, R. McGowan, E. Bush, S. Pederzoli, M . Bersani and M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B24, 2695 (2006).

27. “Materials modeling for photonic applications”, G. Speranza, L. Minati and M. Anderle, Optical Materials 28, 1258 (2006).

28. “Covalent interaction and semiempirical modeling of small molecules”, G. Speranza, L. Minati, and M. Anderle, J.Phys.Chem. A110, 13857 (2006).

29. “Boron ultra low energy SIMS depth profiling improved by rotating stage”, M. Bersani, D. Giubertoni, E. Iacob, M. Barozzi, S. Pederzoli, L. Vanzetti and M. Anderle, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 7315 (2006).

30. “An electron spectroscopy study of a-C:H under thermal annealing”, L.Calliari, M. Filippi, G. Gottardi, N. Laidani, and M. Anderle, Surf. Interf, Analysis 38, 761 (2006).

31. “Influence of changes in the resistivity of the sample surface on ultra-shallow SIMS profiles for arsenic”, M.Barozzi, D. Giubertoni, S. Pederzoli, M. Anderle, E. Iacob and M. Bersani, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 7286 (2006).

32. “Production and characterization of thin a-C:(H) films for gas permeation barrier functionality against He, CO2,N2, O2 and H2O.”, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, M. Anderle, G. Chuste and C. Bellachioma, Journal of Phys. Cond. Matter 18, 5945 (2006).

33. “ToF-SIMS and AFM studies of low-k dielectric etching in fluorocarbon plasmas”, P. Lazzeri, X. Hua, G. Oehrlein, E. Iacob, M. Barozzi, M. Bersani and M. Anderle, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 7186 (2006).

34. “The role of hydrogen in the electronic structure of amorphous carbon: An electron spectroscopy study”, L.Calliari, M. Filippi, N. Laidani, G. Gottardi, R. Bartali, V. Micheli and M. Anderle, Topics in Appl. Phys. 100, 447 (2006).

35. “Studies of plasma surface interactions during short time plasma etching of 193 and 248 nm photoresist materials”, X. Hua, S. Engelmann, G.S. Oehrlein, P. Jiang, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, and M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B24, 1850 (2006).

36. “State of Art in the SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) Application to Archaeometry Studies”, M. Anderle, M. Bersani, L. Vanzetti and S. Pederzoli, Macromol. Symp.238, 11 (2006).

37. “Damage of ultralow k materials during photoresist mask stripping process”, X. Hua, M-shu Kuo, G.S. Oehrlein, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, M. Anderle, C.K. Inoki, T.S. Kuan, P. Jiang,  and W-li Wu , J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B24, 1238 (2006).

38. “Real time observation and optimization of tungsten atomic layer deposition process cycle”, W. Lei, L. Henn-Lecordier, M. Anderle, G.W. Rubloff, M. Barozzi, and M. Bersani, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B24, 780 (2006).

39. “Local Arsenic Structure in Shallow Implants in Si following SPER: an EXAFS and MEIS study”, G. Pepponi, D. Giubertoni, S. Gennaro, M. Bersani, M. Anderle, R. Grisenti, M. Werner, J. A. Van Den Berg, AIP Proc. 866,  IIT2006 - Marseille, 117 (2006).

40. “The electronic structure of carbon films deposited in rf argon-hydrogen plasma” , L.Calliari, M. Filippi, N. Laidani and M.Anderle, J. of Elec. Spectr. and Rel. Phenomena 150, 40 (2006).

41. “Interphase exchange coupling in Fe/Sm–Co bilayers with gradient Fe thickness”, M.-Hui Yu, J. Hattrick-Simpers, I. Takeuchi, J. Li, Z.L. Wang, J.P. Liu, S.E. Lofland, S. Tyagi, J.W. Freeland, D.Giubertoni,  M. Bersani, and M. Anderle, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 63908 (2005).

42. “Porosity-induced effects during C4F8/90% Ar plasma etching of silica-based ultralow-K dielectrics”,     P.Lazzeri, G.S. Oehrlein, X. Hua, M. Barozzi, E. Iacob, and M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B23, 1491 (2005).

43. “An electron spectroscopy study of a-C:H films produced by PACVD in a CH4-CO2 gas mixture”, L.Calliari, M. Filippi ,G. Gottardi, N. Laidani, and M. Anderle, Surf.Sci. 586, 96 (2005).

44. “Covalently anchored lipid structures on amine-enriched polystyrene”, L. Lunelli, L. Pasquardini, C. Pederzolli, L. Vanzetti, and M. Anderle, Langmuir 21, 8338 (2005).

45. “Amorphous carbon thin films deposited on Si and PET: Study of interface states”, S.M. Mariazzi, C. Macchi, G.P. Karwasz, R.S. Brusa, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi and M. Anderle, Acta Physica Polonica  A107, 842 (2005).

46. “Effects of plasma etch and stripping on ULK materials”, X. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, M. Anderle, C. K. Inoki, T. S. Kuan, P. Jang, and W-Li Wu, Future Fab Intl 18, June 28, (2005).

47. “Amorphous carbon film growth on Si: Correlation between stress and generation of defects into the substrate”, R. S. Brusa, C. Macchi, S. Mariazzi, G. P. Karwasz, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, and M. Anderle  Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 221906 (2005).

48. “Thin-film transformations and volatile products in the formation of nanoporous low-k polymethylsilsesquioxane-based dielectrics”, P. Lazzeri, L. Vanzetti, M. Anderle, M. Bersani, J. J. Park, Z. Lin, R. M. Briber, G. W. Rubloff, H. C. Kim, and R. D. Miller, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 908 (2005).

49. "Plasma-Surface Interactions of Nanoporous Silica during Plasma-Based Pattern Transfer Using C4F8 and C4F8/Ar Gas Mixtures", X. Hua, C. Stolz, G. S. Oehrlein, P. Lazzeri, N. Coghe, M. Anderle, C. K. Inoki, T. S. Kuan, and P. Jiang, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23, 151 (2005).

50. “Stress and interfacial defects induced by amorphous carbon film growth on silicon”, C. Macchi, S. Mariazzi, A. Zecca, G.P. Karwasz, R.S. Brusa, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi and M. Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 14, 1036 (2005).

51. “Amorphous carbon films PACVD in CH4–CO2 under pulsed and continuous substrate bias conditions” G. Gottardi, N. Laidani, R. Bartali, M. Filippi, L. Calliari, R.S. Brusa, S. Mariazzi, C. Macchi and M. Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 14, 1031 (2005).

52. "Carbon film deposition on polyethylene terephtalate by pulsed plasma technology", N.Laidani, R.Bartali, M.Anderle, P.Chiggiato and G. Chuste, Diamond and Related Materials 14, 1023 (2005).

53. "Argon-hydrogen rf plasma study for carbon film deposition", N.Laidani, R.Bartali, P Tosi and  M.Anderle J.Phys.D 37, 2593 (2004).

54. "Investigation of Surface Modifications of 193 nm and 248 nm Photoresist Materials During Low-Pressure Plasma Etching", L. Ling, X. Hua, X. Li, G. S. Oehrlein, E. Hudson, P. Lazzeri, N. Coghe, M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22, 2594 (2004).

55. "Integration of benzocyclobutene polymers and silicon micromachined structures using anisotropic wet etching", N. Ghalichechian, A. Modafe, R. Ghodssi, P. Lazzeri, V. Micheli, and M. Anderle, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol. B 22, 2439 (2004).

56. "Topography induced by sputtering in a magnetic sector instrument: an AFM and SEM study”,  E. Iacob, M. Bersani, A. Lui, D. Giubertoni, M. Barozzi and M. Anderle, Applied Surface Science 238, 24 (2004).

57. “Sample holder implement for very small samples on SC-Ultra SIMS instrument”, M. Barozzi, D. Giubertoni, M. Sbetti, M. Anderle and M. Bersani, Applied Surface Science 231-232C, 959 (2004).

58. “Short-term and long-term RSF repeatability for Cameca SC-Ultra SIMS measurements”, M. Barozzi, D. Giubertoni, M. Anderle and M. Bersani, Applied Surface Science 231-232C, 768 (2004).

59. “Arsenic shallow depth profiling: accurate quantification in SiO2/Si stack”, M. Barozzi, D. Giubertoni, M. Anderle and M. Bersani,Applied Surface Science 231-232C, 632 (2004).

60. “ToF-SIMS studies of nanoporous PMSSQ materials: kinetics and reactions in the processing of low-k dielectrics for ULSI applications”, P. Lazzeri, G. Rubloff, L. Vanzetti, R.M Briber, M. Anderle, M. Bersani, J.J. Park, H.-C. Kim, W. Volksen, R.D. Miller, Z. Lin, Surf. Interface Anal. 36, 304 (2004).

61. “Optimization of SIMS ultra shallow boron profiles using an oblique incidence O2+ beam”,  D.Giubertoni, M. Barozzi, M. Anderle, M. Bersani, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22(1), 336 (2004).

62. "Role of chemical interactions in bacterial adhesion to polymer surfaces" G.Speranza, G.Gottardi, C.Pederzolli, L.Lunelli, R.Canteri, L Pasquardini, E.Carli, A.Lui, D.Maniglio, M.Brugnara and M.Anderle  Biomaterials 25, 2029 (2004).

63. “Material characterization and the formation of nanoporous PMSSQ low-k dielectrics” P. Lazzeri, L. Vanzetti, E. Iacob, M. Bersani, M. Anderle, J.J. Park, Z. Lin R.M. Briber, G.W. Rubloff, R.D. Miller, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, E. M. Sekula, New York, AIP Conference Proceedings 683, 551 (2003).

64. “In situ sputtering rate measurement by laser interferometer applied to SIMS analyses”,  M. Bersani, D. Giubertoni, M. Barozzi, S. Bertoldi, L. Vanzetti, E. Iacob and M.Anderle, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, E. M. Sekula, New York, AIP Conference Proceedings 683, 705 (2003)

65. “Ultra shallow depth profiling by secondary ion mass spectrometry”, M. Anderle, M. Barozzi, M. Bersani, D. Giubertoni, P. Lazzeri, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by G.G. Seiler, A.C. Diebold, T.J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R.P. Khosla, E.M. Sekula, New York, AIP Conference Proceedings 683, 695 (2003).

66. “Arsenic shallow implant characterization by magnetic sector and time of flight SIMS instruments”, M.Bersani, P.Lazzeri, D.Giubertoni, M.Barozzi and M.Anderle, Ion Implantation Technology IIT2002 Proceedings, edited by B. Brown, T. L. Alford, M. Nastasi, M. C. Vella, Piscataway(NJ) USA, IEEE 268 (2003).

67. “Tof-Sims and XPS surface characterization of novel perfluoropolyether-urethane ionomers from aqueous dipersions”, R.Canteri, G.Speranza, M.Anderle, S.Turri, S.Radice, Surf. Interf. Anal 35, 318 (2003).

68. “D-Sims and TOF-SIMS quantitative depth profiles on ultra thin oxinitrides”; M.Bersani, D.Giubertoni, M.Barozzi, E.Iacob, L.Vanzetti, M.Anderle, P.Lazzeri, B.Crivelli, and F.Zanderigo; Applied Surface Science 203-204, 281(2003).

69. “Tof-Sims and XPS Characterization of urban aerosols for pollution studies”; P.Lazzeri, G.Clauser, A.Lui, E.Iacob, G.Tonidandel and M.Anderle; Applied Surface Science 203-204, 767 (2003).

70. “Recent theoretical and experimental advancements in the application of Good-van Oss acid-base theory in the analysis of polymer surfaces. (II) Some peculiar cases”, C.Della Volpe, S.Siboni, D.Maniglio, M.Morra, C.Cassinelli, M.Anderle, G.Speranza, R.Canteri, C.Pederzolli, G.Gottardi, S.Janikowska, A.Lui, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 17, 1425 (2003).

71. "Growth of titanium dioxide films by Cluster Supersonic Beams for VOC Sensing Application", T.Toccoli, S.Capone, L.Guerini, M.Anderle, A.Boschetti, E.Iacob, V.Micheli, P.Siciliano and S.Iannotta, Sensors Journal, IEEE 3(2), 199 (2003)

72. "Mechanical and tribological properties of CNx films deposited by reactive pulsed laser ablation", A.Zocco, A.Perrone, E.Broitman, Zs.Czigany, L.Hultman, M.Anderle, N.Laidani, Diamond and related Materials 11, 98 (2002).

73. "Dependence of the transient enhancement diffusion of B in Si on B concentration and ion implanted dose", S.Solmi, G.Mannino, M.Servidori, M.Bersani, L.Mancini, S.Milita, V.Privitera and M.Anderle, Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 177 (2002).

74. “Observation of photodiode and electroluminescence effects for a-C/a-C:H multilayer nanostructures on silicon”, A.M.Baranov, A.E.Varfolomeev, A.A.Nefedov, L.Calliari, G.Speranza N.Laidani and M.Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 10, 1040 (2001).

75. “Study of discharge gas trapping during thin film growth", S.Amorosi, M.Anderle, C.Benvenuti, S.Calatroni, J.Carver, P.Chiggiato, H.Neupert and W.Vollenberg, Vacuum 60, 89 (2001).

76. "Carbon effect on the phase structure and the hardness of r.f. sputtered zirconia films", N.Laidani, V.Micheli and M.Anderle, Thin Solid Films 382, 23 (2001).

77. "Semi-quantitative description of C hybridization via s- and p-partial density of states probing: an electron spectroscopy study", G.Speranza, L.Calliari, N.Laidani, and M.Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 9, 1856 (2000).

78. "Surface study of perfluoropolyether-urethane cross-linked polymers", S.Turri, S.Radice, R.Canteri, G.Speranza and M.Anderle, Surf. Interf. Anal. 29, 873 (2000).

79. “Characterization of perfluoropolyether-urethane coating by Tof-SIMS  and XPS", R.Canteri, G.Speranza, M.Anderle, S.Turri, S.Radice and T.Trombetta, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XII), Eds A. Benninghoven et al, Elsevier (2000) pg. 741.

80. "XPS and SIMS depth profiling of oxynitrides", L.Vanzetti, M.Bersani, M.Sbetti and M.Anderle, Surf. Interf. Anal. 30, 255 (2000).

81. “Potential role of antibiotic-encapsulated liposomes for the prevention of catheter-related colonization and infections", C.Pederzolli, G.Speranza, R.Canteri, S.Janikowska, E.Carli, A.Lui, P.Gamba, L.Pasquardini, G.Gottardi, R.Antolini and M.Anderle, Proc. of 6th Int. Meeting and Seminar on Ceramics, Cells and Tissue: Drugs Delivery Systems, Faenza (I), Editors A.Ravaglioli and A.Krajewski (2000), pg. 155.

82. “Structural and compositional study of B-C-N films produced by laser ablation of B4C targets in N2 atmosphere”, N.Laidani, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, L.Elia, A.Luches, M.Martino, V.Micheli and G.Speranza, Appl. Surf. Sci. 157, 135 (2000).

83. “Sub-Kev mass spectrometry analyses on oxynitrided ultrathin films", M.Sbetti, M.Bersani, L.Vanzetti, R.Canteri and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XII), Eds A. Benninghoven et al, Elsevier.(2000) pg. 561.

84. “Development of DLC film technology for electronic application”, A.M.Baranov, A.E.Varfolomeev, A.A.Nefedov, M.Anderle, L.Calliari, G.Speranza and N.Laidani, Diamond and Related Materials 9, 649 (2000).

85. “Furnace and RTP nitridation of ultrathin oxide films by NO and N2O: Sims and Tof Sims Characterization", M.Bersani, L.Vanzetti, M.Sbetti and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XII), Eds A. Benninghoven et al, Elsevier. (2000) pg. 509.

86. "Cubic BN deposition on Si substrates at room temperature by KrF excimer laser ablation of h-BN", S.Acquaviva, G.Leggieri, A.Luches, A.Perrone, A.Zocco, N.Laidani, G.Speranza and M.Anderle, Appl.Phys.A70, 197 (2000).

87. “Chemical structure of films grown by AlN laser ablation: an X-ray photoelectron study", N.Laidani, L.Vanzetti, M.Anderle, A.Basillais, C.Boulmer-Leborgne and J.Perriere, Surf. and Coat. Technol. 122, 242 (1999).

88. "Characterization of RTP Oxynitrides by SIMS and XPS Analyses", M.Bersani, L.Vanzetti, M.Sbetti and M.Anderle, Appl. Surf. Science 144-145, 301 (1999).

89. "Effect of Si on the electronic structure of sputter-deposited C film: an electron study", G.Speranza, N.Laidani, L.Calliari and M.Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 8, 517 (1999).

90. "A study of physical properties on vanadium oxide based gas sensors", R.Rella, P.Siciliano, L.Vanzetti, M.Anderle, A.Cricenti, R.Generosi, M.Girasole and C.Coluzza, Thin Solid Films 349, 254 (1999).

91. “ULSI technology and materials: Quantitative answers by combined mass spectrometry surface techniques", M.Bersani, M.Fedrizzi, M.Sbetti and M.Anderle, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, AIP Conf. Proc. n.449. Eds D.G. Seiler et al., Woodbury, N.Y. (1998), pg. 892.

92. “Quantitative SIMS depth distribution of nitrogen in Nitridated Oxide at the SiO2/Si interface", M.Bersani, M.Fedrizzi, M.Ferroni, G.Savoia and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XI), Eds. G.Gillen et al., J.Wiley &Sons (1998), pg.1055.

93. "Characterization of Carbon and Zirconia films deposited on polycarbonate for scratch-proof coating applications" N.Laidani, G.Speranza, A.Nefedov, L.Calliari and M.Anderle, Diamond and Related Materials 7, 1394 (1998).

94. “Characterization of functional films on solid substrates by TOF-SIMS", R.Canteri, C.Malacarne, A.Rigo, F.Vianello, L.Zennaro, M.Scarpa, and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XI), Eds. G.Gillen et al., J.Wiley &Sons (1998), pg.497.

95. "Improvement of mechanical properties of a-C:H by silicon addition", C.De Martino, G.Fusco, G.Mina, A.Tagliaferro, L.Vanzetti, L.Calliari and M.Anderle", Diamond and Related Materials 6, 559 (1997).

96. “Comparative analysis of high energy electron diffraction patterns from LB films of Cd-and Pb-stearates”, V.Klechkovskaya, M.Anderle, R.Antolini, R.Canteri, L.Feigin, E.Rakova, N.Stiopina, Thin Solid Film 284-285, 208 (1996).

97. “Real-time process and products diagnostic in RTCVD using in-situ mass spectrometric sampling”, L.L.Tedder, G.W.Rubloff, I.Shareef, M.Anderle, D.-H.Kim, and G.N.Parsons, J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B13, 1924 (1995).

98. “Role of implantation-induced defects in surface-oriented diffusion of fluorine in silicon", C.Szeles, B.Nielsen, P.Asoka-Kumar, K.G.Lynn, M.Anderle, T.P.Ma, and G.W.Rubloff, Materials Science Forum 175-178, 545 (1995).

99. “Sub-atmospheric CVD (SACVD) Ozone/TEOS process for SiO2 trench filling”, I.Shareef, G.W.Rubloff, M.Anderle, W.N.Gill, J.Cotte, D.-H.Kim, J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B13, 1888 (1995).

100. “SIMS and SNMS Depth Profiling of III-V Compound Samples”, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, M.Fedrizzi, P.Lazzeri and L.Moro, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS IX), Eds. A.Benninghoven et al., J.Wiley &Sons (1995), pg.686-689.

101. “Investigation on laser ablation of InGaAs by means of resonance ionization and surfaces analysis spectrometries”, M.Anderle, P.Lazzeri, L.Moro, P.Benetti, M.Rossella and G.Queirolo, Spectrochimica Acta B49, 1453 (1994).

102. “The role of the implantation induced defects in the surface-oriented diffusion of fluorine in silicon”, Cs.Szeles, P.Asoka-Kumar, K.G.Lynn, G.W.Rubloff, T.P.Ma, and M.Anderle, J. Appl. Phys 76, 3403 (1994).

103. “Spectroscopic investigation of  electroluminescent porous silicon”, L.Pavesi, M.Ceschini, G.Mariotto, E.Zanghellini, O.Bisi, M.Anderle, L.Calliari, M.Fedrizzi, L.Fedrizzi, J. Appl. Phys 75, 1118 (1994).

104. "Porous silicon and its application for light emitting diodes", L.Pavesi, G.Mariotto, O.Bisi, M.Anderle, and L.Calliari, Proceedings of International Symposium on “Physical concept and materials for novel optoelectronic device application II”. Trieste (I), 24-28 May 1993.

105. “Electron bombardment effects on light emitting porous silicon”, L.Calliari, M.Anderle, E.Zanghellini, G.Mariotto, O.Bisi and L.Pavesi,  J. of Luminescence 57, 83 (1993).

106. "Electronic charge trapping effects in porous Silicon", L.Pavesi, L.Calliari, E.Zanghellini, G.Mariotto, M.Anderle, and O.Bisi, Proceedings of Nato Advanced Research Workshop on “Optical properties of low dimensional silicon structures” Meyland (F), March 1st - 3rd, 1993.NATO ASI Series. Editor D.Bensahel.

107. "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Rough-Morphology Silicon Films over a Broad Temperature Range ", S.S.Dana, M.Anderle, G.W.Rubloff and A.Acovic, Appl. Phys. Lett., 63, 1387 (1993).

108. "Use of Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy for the study of high Tc superconductors", L.Gonzo and M.Anderle, Defects in Electronic Ceramics Ed. S.Pizzini, Trans. Tech. Publ. Ltd,. Material Science Forum Vol. 116 (1993) pg. 169.

109. "Nucleation and growth of silicon on SiO2 during SiH4 low pressure chemical vapor deposition as studied by hydrogen desorption titration", M.Liehr, S.S.Dana, and M.Anderle, J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A10, 869 (1992).

110. "Sputtered neutral and molecular ion mass spectrometries in the characterization of multilayer samples", L.Moro, R.Canteri and M.Anderle, Surf. Interf. Anal. 18, 765 (1992).

111. "Kinetics of nucleation and growth of Si on SiO2 in very low pressure SiH4 Chemical Vapor Deposition", S.S.Dana, M.Liehr, M.Anderle and G.W.Rubloff, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 3035 (1992).

112. “Anomalous Diffusion of Fluorine in Silicon”, S.P.Jeng, T.P.Ma, R.Canteri, M.Anderle and G.W.Rubloff, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1310 (1992).

113. “Matrix Effects and Quantitative Analysis in Silicon: Effects in the Presence of Localized Reactive Species”, R.Canteri, L.Moro and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VIII), Eds. A.Benninghoven, K.T.F.Janssen, J.Tümpner, and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley &Sons (Chichester 1992) p.135.

114. “Hydrogen-related complexes as the Stressing Species in High-Fluence Hydrogen-Implanted, Single Crystal Silicon”, G.F.Cerofolini, L.Meda, R.Baldoni, F.Corni, S.Fabbroni, G.Ottaviani, R.Tonini, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Phys. Rev. B46, 2061 (1992).

115. “Depth Profiling of Multilayer Samples: A Comparison between SNMS and (MCs)+ SIMS”, L.Moro, R.Canteri and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VIII), Eds. A.Benninghoven, K.T.F.Janssen, J.Tümpner, and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley &Sons (Chichester 1992) p.865.

116. "Evidence for Molecular Hydrogen in Silicon", L.Meda, C.F.Cerofolini, G.Ottaviani, R.Tonini, F.Corni, R.Balboni, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, and R.Diercks, Physica B170, 259 (1991).

117. "SNMS studies of ULSI gate interconnection structures", L.Moro, P.Lazzeri, G.Ottaviani, L.Bacci, G.Queirolo and M.Anderle, Fresenius J Anal Chem 341, 20 (1991).

118. "Ambient gas induced SiC-like structures in edge-defined film-fed growth polycristalline silicon samples", B.Pivac, A.Borghesi, R.Canteri and M.Anderle, Journal of Materials Science 26, 2725 (1991).

119. "Low temperature dopant activation of BF2 implanted silicon", G.Queirolo, C.Bresolin, D.Robba, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, A.Armigliato, G.Ottaviani and S.Frabboni, Journal of Electronic Materials 20, 373 (1991).

120. "State and evolution of hydrogen implanted silicon", L.Meda, G.F.Cerofolini, C.Bresolin, R.Dierckx, D.Donelli, M.Orlandini, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, G.Ottaviani, R.Tonini, C.Claeys, J.Vanhellemont, S.Pizzini and S.Farina, Semiconductor Silicon 90, Eds.H.R.Huff, K.G.Barreclought and Jun-ichi Chikawa, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington NJ (1990), p.456.

121. "A comparison between zero and seven degree of tilt implantation of As+, P+ and BF2+", C.Bresolin, C.Zaccherini, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B51, 122 (1990).

122. "SIMS and SNMS depth profiling of implanted silicon: matrix effects and quantitative analysis", R.Canteri, L.Moro and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VII), Eds. A.Benninghoven, C.A.Evans, K.D.McKeegan, H.A.Storms, and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley &Sons (Chichester 1990) p.135.

123. "Applications of Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry (SNMS) in VLSI Technology", M.Anderle and L.Moro, Surf. Interf. Anal. 15, 525 (1990).

124. "Ion beam mixing and sample effects on SIMS and SNMS depth resolution of SiO2/Si and compound semiconductors interfaces", S.W.MacLaren, J.E.Baker, L.J.Guido, N.Holonyak, M.Anderle and C.M.Loxton, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VII), Eds. A.Benninghoven, C.A.Evans, K.D.McKeegan, H.A.Storms, and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley &Sons (Chichester 1990) p.679.

125. "Structure and evolution of the displacement field in hydrogen-implanted silicon", G.F.Cerofolini, L.Meda, G.Ottaviani, J.DeFayette, R.Dierckx, D.Donelli, M.Orlandini, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, C.Claeys, J.Vanhellemont and C.Volpones, Phys. Rev. B41, 12607 (1990).

126. "SIMS depth profiling of implanted silicide/silicon layers", R. Canteri, R.Angelucci and M.Anderle, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VII), Eds. A.Benninghoven, C.A.Evans, K.D.McKeegan, H.A.Storms, and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley & Sons (Chichester 1990) p.635.

127. "Correlation between microstructural and SIMS analyses of cast irons inoculated with CG alloy", A.Tiziani, A.Molinari, R.Canteri and M.Anderle, Journal of Materials Science 25, 1018 (1990).

128. "Structural investigation of Al2O3 formed by ion implantation at various doses", P.S.Pawar, D.C.Kothari, A.M.Narsale, P.M.Raole, S.V.Gogawale, L.Guzman, S.Girardi, M.Dapor, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B39, 67 (1989).

129. "Non-linear phenomena in hydrogen implantation into (100) silicon", G.F.Cerofolini, L.Meda, C.Volpones, R.Diercks, G.Mercurio, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, F.Cembali, R.Fabbri and M.Servidori, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B39, 26 (1989).

130. "Interaction between point defects and dislocation loops as the phenomenon able to reduce anomalous diffusion of phosphorous implanted in silicon", M.Servidori, S.Solmi, P.Zaumseil, U.Winter and M. Anderle, J. Appl. Phys. 65, 98 (1989).

131. "Dependence of transient enhanced diffusion on defects depth position in ion implanted silicon", S.Solmi, F.Cembali, R.Fabbri, R.Lotti, M.Servidori, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B37/38, 394 (1989).

132. "Reduction of phosphorous transient enhanced diffusion due to the extended defects in ion implanted silicon", M.Servidori, F.Cembali, R.Fabbri, E.Gabilli, S.Solmi, P.Negrini, P.Zaumseil, U.Winter, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B39, 347 (1989).

133. "On the influence of the Cottrell atmosphere on the recombination losses at grain boundaries  in polycrystalline silicon", S.Pizzini, F.Borsani, A.Sandrinelli, D.Narducci, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Polycrystalline Semiconductors Grain Boudaries and Interfaces, Eds. H.J.Moller, H.P.Strunk and J.H.Werner, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol.35 (Hamburg 1989) p.115.

134. "Hydrogen implantation into (100) silicon: A study of the released damage", L.Meda, G.F.Cerofolini, R.Diercks, G.Mercurio, M.Servidori, F.Cembali, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, G.Ottaviani, C.Claeys and J. Vanhellemont, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research B39, 38 (1989) .

135. "Detection of oxygen, carbon and deep level impurities segregation at grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon", M.Anderle, R.Canteri, P.Cagnoni, A.Sandrinelli and S.Pizzini, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VI), Eds. A.Benninghoven, A.M.Huber and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley & Sons (Chichester 1988) p.769.

136. "On the silicon dioxide/polycrystalline silicon interface width measurement", G.Queirolo, S.Manzini, L.Meda, M.Anderle, R.Canteri, A.Armigliato, and S.Frabboni, Surf. Interf. Anal. 13, 202 (1988).

137. "Quantitative SIMS analysis of BF2  implanted and diffused layers: Comparison with carrier profiles", M.Anderle, R.Canteri, D.Robba and G. Queirolo, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS VI), Eds. A.Benninghoven, A.M.Huber and H.W.Werner, J.Wiley & Sons (Chichester 1988) p.747.

138. "BF2 ion implantation in silicon: Effects of the in-flight ion dissociation", G.Queirolo, C.Bresolin, L.Meda, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, 777 (1988).

139. "Influence of implant induced vacancies and interstitials on boron diffusion in silicon", S.Solmi, R.Angelucci, F.Cembali, M.Servidori and M.Anderle, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 331 (1987).

140. "Grain boundary segregation of oxygen and carbon in polycrystalline silicon", S.Pizzini, P.Cagnoni, A.Sandrinelli, M.Anderle and R.Canteri, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 676 (1987).

141. "Radiation damage induced transient enhanced diffusion of dopants in silicon", R.Angelucci, E.Gabilli, R.Lotti, P.Negrini, M.Servidori, S.Solmi and M.Anderle, Mat. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings 74, 505 (1987).

142. "Lattice Damage, Boron Diffusion, and Dopant Activation in BF2 Implanted Layers", G.Queirolo, P.Caprara, L.Meda, C.Guareschi, M.Anderle, G.Ottaviani, and A.Armigliato, J. Electrochem. Soc. 134, 2905 (1987).

143. "Electrical characterization of monocrystalline and polycrystalline transition metal silicides", O.Laborde, O.Thomas, R.Madar, J.P.Senateur, G.Queirolo, M.Anderle and F.Nava,  Le vide les couches minces" Ed. Société Française du Vide 42, 199 (1987).

144. "Current effects in BF2 implants silicon", G.Queirolo, P.Caprara, L.Meda, G.Ottaviani, M.Anderle, D.Bassi, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Physics Research, B19/20, 329 (1987).

145. "Mixing and chemical effects in SIMS depth profiling the Si/SiO2 interface", M.Anderle and C.M.Loxton, Nucl. Instrum. and Physics Research B15, 186 (1986).

146. "Add a signal averaging facility to your laboratory microcomputer", D.Bassi, A.Boschetti, M.Scotoni, M.Anderle, S.Iannotta and M.Zen, J. Phys.E: Sci. Instrum. 17,  276 (1984).

147. "Spin polarized atomic hydrogen diffraction experiments from alkali halides surfaces", M.Anderle, D.Bassi, S.Iannotta and G.Scoles, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Molecular Beams, Freiburg, 205 (1983).

148. "Measurement of the spin-exchange cross section in the collision of H atoms with O2 and NO by means of stored atomic-beam spectroscopy", M.Anderle, D.Bassi, S.Iannotta, S.Marchetti and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A23, 34 (1981).