1. “Methods for the physico-chemical characterization of surfaces-Metodi per la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica delle superfici”, Edited by M.Anderle and M.G.Cattania, Patròn Press (Bologna-I) (1991), Pgs 1-393, ISBN cod. 8855521616.
2. “ISASST-1, First International School on the Applications of Surface Science Techniques Proceedings”, Surface Review and Letters, 2, (5), Pgs. 587-699, (December 1995), Edited by M. Anderle, C. Coluzza, G. Margaritondo and M. Sancrotti
3. “ISASST-1, First International School on the Applications of Surface Science Techniques Proceedings”, Surface Review and Letters, 2, (6), Pgs. 805-893, (December 1995), Edited by M. Anderle, C. Coluzza, G. Margaritondo and M. Sancrotti
4. “SMAC '04 Conference Proceeding S.I., 09-10 September 2004” Diamond and related Materials 14, (8), Pgs 1223-1410, (August 2005), Edited by M. Anderle, G.A.J. Amaratunga, W.I. Milne, J. Robertson, S.R.P. Silva and A. Tagliaferro.
5. “Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry-SIMS18”. Surface and Interface Analysis, J.Wiley (2012), Edited by E. Napolitani, , D. Giubertoni, M. Bersani, M. Anderle and A. Licciardello.